Elon Musk recently addressed the social media community, advising users to limit their use of bold fonts in posts. This update, which applies to both web and mobile versions, aims to improve the overall readability and aesthetics of the platform. Musk emphasized that bold fonts should only be used to highlight important parts of messages, but excessive use detracts from their effectiveness.
Changes to Main Page Appearance
Under this new policy, posts containing bold text will no longer appear on the platform’s main page. Instead, users will need to click on the post to see any bolded sections. This adjustment is intended to reduce visual clutter and ensure that the main page remains clean and easy to navigate. Musk expressed concern that overusing bold fonts not only distorts the message but also poses risks to the overall design integrity.
Mixed Reactions from the Community
Not everyone is pleased with the change. Some users have voiced their frustration, particularly with the need to click through to view bolded content. One user, Vin, expressed his disappointment, stating, “You will have to press the details of the addition to highlight everything that is seen in bold. My eyes are bleeding.” Despite the criticism, the update has been rolled out across all platforms, including iOS and Android.
This change follows a period where bold and italic fonts were widely used, particularly on mobile platforms, contributing to a rise in their popularity, notes NIXsolutions. However, with this new rule, Musk hopes to improve the platform’s visual appeal and preserve content quality. We’ll keep you updated on further developments regarding these changes.